Eco Cityrider

Eco Cityrider is a wholesale distribution company that is passionate about both music and the environment.


We understand the growing demand for vinyl records and aim to provide a sustainable solution for retailers and collectors.


Our mission is to offer high-quality vinyl products while minimizing our ecological footprint.

Why vinyl?

Vinyl records have experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years, with many music enthusiasts appreciating the unique sound and tactile experience they offer.


However, the production and distribution of vinyl can have a significant environmental impact.


At Eco Cityrider, we believe that the benefits of vinyl can be enjoyed responsibly, and we strive to make a positive contribution to the industry.

Eco Cityrider works closely with artists, labels, and retailers to promote sustainability in the music industry.


We are proud to be a part of a growing network of like-minded individuals and organizations that are committed to making a positive impact on the environment. 


We look forward to working with you to create a more eco-friendly future for the music industry.





Magasini tn 31/1, 10138, Tallinn, Estonia